Sunday, August 31, 2014


Loving God, we thank You for Emma to whom you've entrusted to our family.  We want to cooperate with You fully in helping her grow into a free and responsible young lady and mature in the faith she received at Baptism.  Be her constant companion.  Grant us the grace to be able to guide her in the practice of virtue and the way of Your commandments by the good example of our lives, and by the loving observance of Your law and that of Your Church.  We ask this through Christ our Lord

Monday, August 25, 2014


Lord, we lift up to you Mary. Give her special blessings as she prepares for marriage.  Bring her and Ryan closer together, and may their love for each other draw them ever closer to you. Give her an open heart to receive your grace, and to do the little things with great love in her work and home.  Amen.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Grandpa Reynolds

O God, who in your unspeakable providence chose blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy Mother, grant, we beseech you that he may intercede for the prayerful intentions we offer for Grandpa Reynolds.  As he has worked tirelessly for our benefit though sacrifice and love to raise us in a loving household where our needs were met through the model of Saint Joseph,  may you bless him abundantly with your grace.  Amen.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Loving God, you watch over each and every one of your children.  Hear our prayer for James.  Be his constant companion.  Protect him no matter where he goes, and bring him safely and quickly home to those who love him. May we, your sons and daughters, be a witness to him in living out the faith that you've passed down through our parents and mentors, while guiding him to live a life for the love and well being of others.  We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2014

John and Eun Young Family

All praise to You, Lord Jesus, Lover of children: Bless the Reynolds family, and help them to lead their children to You.   Give them light and strength, and courage when the task is difficult.  Let Your Spirit fill them with love and peace, so that they may help their children to love You.  All glory and praise are Yours, Lord Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen.