Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jim Reynolds

Pilot divine, and Lord of all on high, we lift up Jimmy to you.  We thank you for the blessing that he has been in our lives and continues to be.  In this time of transition we ask for your special blessings to him and his family as they move out west.  Continue to strengthen him as he strives to strike a balance to the demands of work, marriage, and children with an honest awareness of both joy and sacrifice.  Also, we pray for the end of war. We pray for your strength, your wisdom and your reconciliation. That the serving men and women of every nation might be at home, wrapped in their families, we seek your peace, here on earth, as in heaven. Creator, bless us all as we pray in your holy name. Amen.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Eun Young

Loving God,

We lift up Eun Young in prayer this week. We thank you for the gift of her presence in our lives. May you fill her with an abundance of your grace as she does her best to raise her children in a loving household. Please bless her especially in the next few weeks as her family transitions from Kansas to North Carolina, may their burdens be light and the transition swift. Help her to remember that you are with her in every packed hour of every day. Give her the grace to maintain her loving life at home; and the deepest knowledge in her heart that you love her.  We ask this in Christ's name.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Ascended Lord, we thank You for Lynsey to whom you've entrusted to our family.  We want to cooperate with You fully in helping her grow into a free and responsible young lady and mature in the faith she received at Baptism.  As she contiues along the journey of faith may You draw her ever closer to Yourself in the Sacraments and let her be aware of Your unconditional love for her.  Grant us the grace to be able to guide her in the practice of virtue and the way of Your commandments by the good example of our lives, and by the loving observance of Your law and that of Your Church. Amen

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Lord, we thank you for the presence of Christine in our lives and we lift her up with these intentions to you.  Through the Holy Spirit, You prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin Mary to be a worthy dwelling place of Your Divine Son. Hear the prayers of your humble servants who implore You, through the intercession of St. Gerard, to protect Christine from the dangers of childbearing and to watch over the child with which You blessed her. During this time of waiting, we ask you to protect and nurture these first mysterious stirrings of life.  May the child she bears come safely into the light of the world and to the new birth of baptism and that you would fill Christine with your peace and blessing.  Amen

Happy Mothers Day to all and thank you for all the sacrifices that you have made and continue to make.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Lord, we thank you for the precious gift of Anna in our lives. We know that every good gift comes from You, and that You have given her to us to care for and raise. Help us to release her into Your protection, guidance, and counsel. To us not to live in fear of possible dangers, but in the joy and peace of knowing that You are in control. We rely on You for everything, and this day we trust and release Anna into Your hands. Amen.